Saturday, March 28, 2009

Positive Thoughts

I'm getting to that point in my life where I have to make a lot of scary decisions. I find myself overwhelmed and stressed at times... ok, a lot. So I decided to write a post of things that are going well in my life and that make me happy. So without further adieu...

Things I am thankful for/happy about... (in no particular order)

- chapstick
- only having 27 more days of student teaching left
- only having 35 more days until graduation!
- David Archuleta
- California
- my ipod
- not living in Logan
- getting to sing in the Saturday afternoon session of general conference next week!
- my family
- Costa Vida
- flip flops
- free rent/food (thanks, mom and dad!)
- getting to go to Atlanta for my graduation present
- the beach... in California
- warm weather
- my car
- slippers
- YouTube
- graduating from college (uh, did I already mention that?)
- American Idol
- America's Next Top Model
- roller coasters
- when 1st graders tell me what they REALLY think about something
- blogs
- DVD's
- getting my bachelor's degree (seriously, I'm wearing my graduation cap right now)
- the color green
- the Sandy Library
- movie soundtracks
- my digital camera
- my queen-size bed
- the gospel of Jesus Christ!!!

I could probably think of other things, but this post has gone on long enough, don't you think?

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