Thursday, January 29, 2009

Did I mention I'm tired?

Okay, so I am so incredibly bad at this. It's been over a month since I've done anything on my blog-- but in my defense, it has been an amazingly BUSY month! I started my student teaching at the beginning of January and since then my life has been about school, lesson plans, kids, lesson plans, supervisor visits, lesson plans, and, uh... that's about it.

Oh, yeah-- Alyssa and I have really gotten into our new singles' ward this semester as well. We both got callings our first official Sunday there. I am the Activities Committee Secretary. No, that doesn't mean that I take notes at the activities. :) To be honest, I'm not really sure what it means yet. So far I just have to support the chairpeople (chairpersons???) by going to all the activities. I never realized how many there were! This week I will have spent 5 out of 7 days at the institute building. It's fun, but I am so BUSY! (and tired)

So yeah. School and church. That's about it. I love it, but did I mention I'm tired???